Adult Groups

Atonement is excited to engage adults in a variety of opportunities to grow deep in their faith in God and knowledge of the Bible, and give opportunities for hands-on mission.

Growth Groups

Growth groups are Atonement’s small groups, gathering at varying times in the week to dig into each week’s sermon. Sermon discussion guides are based on the weekly sermon to lead group discussions. Groups are formed and reformed each fall, winter, and spring, with participation being flexible during each cycle.

Interested? Contact Pastor Gene

Bohne/Fantetti Group: Meeting in person at church every 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (Do not meet in December.)

Becky and Ryan Kedrowski Group: Meeting by Zoom every other Tuesday at 9:00 p.m.

Roelli Group: Meeting Hybrid (Zoom/In-Person)-Every Wednesday at 6:45 p.m.

Bible Study: Hannah Group, lead by Renee Hesselbach and Laura Baldwin

At Capacity: Cindy and Gary Dostal Group, Patrick Moore Group


Men’s Groups

Bob Puranen & Doug Hoskins-Romeo Group: ROMEO-Retired Older Men Eating Out-3rd Thursday of every month.

Neil Borgman-Legends Group: Meeting at Atonement every third Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m.

Men’s Group: Meeting at Atonement 7:00 p.m.-Meeting dates vary. Please contact Mike Gandrud for information.

WELCA Circles

Elizabeth | Leah | Lydia | Mary/Martha | Priscilla | Rebekah | Ruth

WELCA Purpose Statement

As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

WELCA at Atonement

Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is made up of all of the women of the congregation. Within the larger organization are:

Circles — “Circles” are small groups of women who meet monthly to receive support, develop relationships, enhance their understanding of their relationship with God and serve others.  They are about faith and fun.  Each circle has a chairperson who is a member of the Executive Board.

General Meetings — There are four General Meetings a year which are the responsibility of the circles.  These meetings involve a guest speaker/entertainment, business meeting and refreshments.  All women of Atonement are invited and encouraged to attend.

The Executive Board — The larger organization, which encompasses all women of the church, has a board that meets four times a year and directs the way the organization functions and decides where funds should be expended.

Our circles are involved in many ministries at Atonement and in the community. Examples of outreach projects are:

  • Creating hand-made quilts, which are shipped to countries designated by Lutheran World Relief

  • Knit-Wits (knitting afghans for nursing homes, homeless shelters, etc.)

  • Prayer Shawls for people facing challenges

  • Cookie Day at Luther Manor, a collection of home made and store bought cookies for the coffee cart at Luther Manor

  • Kathy’s House (monthly meals for patients and caregivers traveling to the Milwaukee area hospitals for medical treatment)

  • Dinners for Siena House (a homeless shelter in Waukesha)

  • Volunteer at the Hope Center in Waukesha

  • School Kits for Third World Countries through Lutheran World Relief

  • Health kits, sewing kits, and layettes for Lutheran World Relief

  • Mt. Meru and Fair Trade Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate Project

  • Altar Guild (monthly volunteers set up communion/change the altar paraments/clean the chancel area)

  • Safe Babies, Healthy Families of Waukesha County

  • Siena House, meals that are prepared by the Atonement Circles and taken over to Siena House.

Our Adult Groups extend to our service ministry!