Stepping Stones Ministry


Baptisms can be done at any stage in one’s life, no matter the age!

To get started with the Baptism process, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly!


Preschool Prayer Bear

Anne Farebrother, Coordinator for Children and Family Ministry teaches children ages 2-5 and their parents age-appropriate prayer.


2nd Grade Bibles

Anne Farebrother teaches 2nd graders and their parents about reading the Bible together as a family. Bibles are presented to children in worship.


First Communion

Anne Farebrother and Pastor Kevin Kretzmann Farrar prepare children in 5th grade to receive their First Communion.



Atonement’s Confirmation ministry offers a space for 8th and 9th grade students and their families to develop deep relationships with God and each other. Confirmation meets during the school year on Sunday evenings. Leading up to sharing their faith story on Confirmation Sunday (last Sunday in October), students explore what it means for them to be a devoted follower of Jesus.
Interested? Have any questions? Contact Pastor Gene.


Graduate Blessing

High School graduates are given a prayer shawl and a blessing in May.