Tepeagua, El Salvador

Atonement has a rich history and relationship with the community of Tepeagua.

We are dedicated to tackling gaps in education and lack of water in our partner community!

History of Tepeagua

  • The Beginning

    During the Salvadoran Civil War (1979-1992) most fighting was in rural areas. Many rural people fled to the cities for safety. The families that would become Tepeagua were rural people camping on city ground the Salvadoran Military wanted to use. On November 22, 1984 they were displaced by the Salvadoran military and deposited in the area that would become Tepeagua. There was nothing in Tepeagua, except a river at that time.

    The Salvadoran Lutheran Church supported these people at the time of this displacement, eventually building the “Spirit of Peace” Lutheran Church and purchasing some of the land in the area for community use.

  • 1999

    Pastor Margarita (lay pastor) came to the community to lead worship, bible studies, and community events. Over the years, Margarita has been a strong force in moving the community forward; resolving issues between the Catholic and Lutheran church, starting the Student Sponsorship Program, encouraging education, developing a leadership council in the community, developing micro-businesses, aiding families with home repair, and moving the Water Project forward.

  • 2000

    Dave Yourell and his daughter make Atonement’s first visit to Tepeagua, and signed an agreement solidifying Atonement’s partnership with Tepeagua. A tree was planted as a symbol of brotherhood; though the tree did not thrive, our partnership did!

    Between 2000 and 2008, there was a lull in active partnership. During this time, Pastor Margarita made a visit to Atonement!

  • 2008

    Pastor Greg Van Dunk sought to rejuvenate Atonement’s relationship to Tepeagua. Pastor Greg, Ron and Judy Strampe, and Renee’ Stadtler went to Tepeagua to begin rebuilding the partnership. They felt it was important to meet the community and build friendships– but the community’s greatest need was to better their lives through financial support.

  • 2008 (continued)

    During this time, Atonenent began funding the scholarship program: building relationships between sponsors and students with cards, pictures, and letters. Atonement also provided funds to repair the community’s bakery, which provided a source of income for about two years, and starting funding repairs the of roofs on the homes in Tepeagua which is an on-going project.

  • 2009

    Atonement’s first “Enquentro,” a 3-day strategic planning conference between the Salvadoran Lutheran Church and the ELCA churches internationally, with Renee’ Stadtler as Atonement’s representative. In later years, she was accompanied by Nancy Hanks as well. These meetings have happened every three years, up until the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world.

  • 2009 (continued)

    This was also the first year Atonement participated in the Mission of Healing (MOH). Previous to the COVID-19 pandemic, this annual trip to El Salvador focused on bringing medical and spiritual aid to communities within the country and serves as a time for Atonement’s MOH participants to visit Tepeagua. Participants over the years include Renee’ Stadtler, Carole Lafond, Cindy Dostal, and Katy Klinnert.

  • 2010 – 2022

    Atonement’s El Salvador committee was formed in 2010 and consisted of Pastor Greg Van Dunk, Nancy Hanks and Renee’ Stadtler. Cindy Dostal joined afterwards and is successfully leading the committee to this day. The committee now has 11 members!

    Atonement has visited Tepeagua every year in conjunction with either the Enquentro or MOH (with the exception of 2021).

Get Involved

Student Sponsorship Program

Over the years, Atonement families and individuals have provided funding for students in need from Tepeagua. There are still countless students who need your help!

  • In developing communities such as Tepeagua, work can take priority over education for most students. Atonement’s Student Sponsorship Program helps families maintain schooling and education as a top priority for their students, and bridges the financial gap for students who wish to further their education.

  • For younger students, the Student Sponsorship Program acts as a financial incentive for families to keep their students in school, as opposed to working to support their family.

    For students in middle school and high school, sponsorship support goes towards expenses like supplies and traveling to middle/high schools outside of Tepeagua.

    As students age into higher education, the Student Sponsorship Program bridges financial barriers to attend college or technical school, in turn enriching their greater community.

  • A direct student sponsorship will benefit a specific student, with the ability to establish correspondence online or via mail to encourage and get to know the student. Direct sponsorships can be given on a monthly or yearly basis, and split with other sponsoring families.

    • Preschool-Elementary: $275/year or $23/month

    • Middle School: $440/year or $36/month

    • High School: $550/year or $46/month

    • University/Technical School: Varies, usually $1340/year; this is typically split between several sponsoring families.

    Donations to Tepeagua’s general education fund will give the community means to support their students on their academic journey. By supporting these students, you can make a tangible, life-changing impact on a student’s life and their community as a whole.


Interested in changing a student’s life?
Contact Cindy Dostal to learn more: dostal4@gmail.com

Water Distribution Project

Since before our partnership with Tepeagua began, there has always been a need for running water. We are taking steps towards getting running water in every home and business in the community.

Due to Tepeagua’s geography, water is not easy to come by. Getting water from their river, boiling it and filtering it is a long and difficult process for the community. For over 10 years, Atonement (and other partners) have been working on water distribution for Tepeagua.

After two unsubstantial water well attempts in 2008 and 2014, a successful 125 meter-deep well was dug, yielding large volumes of healthy water.

Though there are still obstacles in getting running water to local homes and businesses, Atonement remains hopeful that the people of Tepeagua will get the water and prosperity they deserve!

Mission of Healing & Other Travel to Tepeagua

Mission of Healing is an annual trip Atonement, along with other churches and organizations, travel to El Salvador to set up medical clinics and bond with communities– Tepeagua included!

  • The Mission of Healing provides basic health services to the people of El Salvador. Although we will visit communities as a clinic, the Christ-based relationships that are built are the true purpose. While we offer services from physicians, nurses, counselors, dietitians; there are many tasks that can be done by non-health care workers.

  • We are currently working on a trip to Tepeagua focused on relationship building. See the beautiful sights of El Salvador, help out the community where needed and get to know the people of Tepeagua– basically, being human together! Check back soon for more details.

  • In November 2022, Atonement and Tepeagua’s church, Espiritu de la pas will gather to renew the commitment letter between Tepeagua and Atonement, and discuss future goals and ambitions.

  • Join us February 11-18, 2023 on this medically-based mission trip. We will visit four communities to set up clinics to inform communities about nutrition, women’s health, and more. Anyone with a background in nursing, pharmacy, social work/counseling, and women’s health are very much needed, along with non-medical volunteers.

Updates and Testimony
from Tepeagua, El Salvador

The best part of Tepeagua is the people. Our relationship is based on love, friendship, and meeting the community where they are at.