The Apple Tree Society

The Apple Tree Society

Jesus once asked, “When the son of man returns will he find faith?” (Luke 18:8) Our answer to that question is, “That depends on whether there are strong faith communities and congregations.” Congregations are where faith is taught and followers are formed. Through congregations, seeds are planted that bear fruit in all kinds of ministry good works in society.

At Atonement, we are grateful to be a vibrant congregation. So many people give time, talent and treasures generously to advance the purposes of Jesus! Now, we launch our Apple Tree Society to insure that the seeds we plant bear fruit long after our lifetimes. 

Mission Statement: To strengthen Atonement’s faith journey for the future through legacy giving. The faith of tomorrow blooms from the seeds of today.

Legacy Gifts

Legacy gifts can be for a specified dollar amount or percentage of your estate. These gifts can come from investments, IRA’s, life insurance polices, real estate, etc. and can include many living tax benefits as well as estate tax benefits.

If you have any questions or would like to become a member of the Apple Tree Society, please contact Ron Petersen.